Cross Eyed

Making God famous one blog at a time

Tag: jesus

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

The Greatest Gift

the greatest gift

The Roar Effect – PARTY MOB

Get on this:

This is a movement targeting youth suicide, needing 2000 dancers for a flash mob happening on the 26th April 2013. Email to register as a dancer or a non dancer wanting to just join in the fun!

The Roar Effect is changing the world.

It connects us, near and far.
It guides us in overcoming pain and tragedy.

It helps us choose to live a life with purpose, with meaning and with dignity.

It’s our community; a celebration of love and freedom.

Or the short version

The movement.

The Roar Effect is changing the world. It’s a community.
It connects people.

It guides people.

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke- CfaN Gospel Crusade

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke put this photo up on his Facebook page from CfaN Gospel Crusade. God is moving are you ready?

Love Alliance

Love Alliance

Support a great cause and look good too.

Heres a little from their about page.

“In today’s society it is fashionable to be socially conscious. The Love Alliance aims to take social justice beyond a trend by working to integrate justice into who an individual is rather than something he or she is involved with for a short time. The Love Alliance strongly asserts that individuals have the innate ability to use their own resources to substantially impact injustice in the world”

Christian Memes

Christian Memes
One of the better Memes over at

Beautiful Photos – Sid Turner

Sid Turner





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God is the centre of Awesome

God is the centre of Awesome

Did you know?

The Thirty Year War (1618-48) between the Protestants and Catholics, led to the deaths of more than a quarter of Europe’s population. — Ed Babinsky
In Germany alone, the war resulted in an estimated drop of its population from 18 million to 4 million.
In Bohemia, its 30,000 villages were reduced to 6,000 and its 3 million citizens slaughtered down to 780,000. — Joseph McCabe
In the Netherlands, Catholic Spain murdered more than a 100,000 men and women. — Joseph McCabe

Jesus is the Solution

Jesus is the solution